Sunday, 24 July 2011

2011 Ontario Provincial Cycling Championships

Me w/ red helmet behind Matthias Schmidt
The 2011 Ontario Provincial Road Cycling Championships were held on Sunday July 24 in Heidelberg, ON, a small town just north of Waterloo. 8 weeks since separating my shoulder and 5 weeks into riding again, this was my first race back. Realistically I was just hoping to finish today’s Master A race and using it for some decent race miles as it was just over 100km in length. Unlike other races I have participated in which were ability based (Master 1 through to Master 3, where I raced Master 3; the entry level), this race was aged based (Master A – 30 to 39 years old). I would be competing against some of the strongest Master and in some cases Senior level cyclists who elected to race at the Master level in National and Provincial championships. I was looking forward to it as it would be a way to gauge my ability should I obtain the necessary points to upgrade.

Fortunately the heat wave over the last week more or less broke today but there was still considerable humidity. Hydration was going to be a key and I was lucky to have my father on hand to assist in the feed zone. With the race starting at 1:17pm, it was a nice change to leave home at a respectable hour in the morning. However, racing in the heat of the day was going to be a challenge. All my riding and racing to date has been in the early hours of the morning. The race distance was over 40km more than I have raced this year. On the bike food and energy consumption had to be taken into account. I decided to start off with a single bottle of water, a bottle of an electrolyte drink and I would carry a few GU gels. I know they state never to try anything new on race day, but this day would be my first taking gels. It would be more convenient than carrying food.

I arrived just shortly after 11am and had ample time to register and receive my replacement license for today would be the first day I would race under the colours of Impala Bicycles rather than as an Independent. I spoke with a few Master C&D racers who had just finished and got some insight into the race course. The course was described as rolling hills but apparently there were a significant number of false flats. With a high anticipated pace, I suspected these false flats would begin to take their toll on me.

With my preparation complete, I was off to begin my warm-up. With the heat and the hanging humidity, I found it difficult to get an adequate warm-up. The undulating course too did not provide any benefit. While warming up, I discovered my back wheel was a little out of true as it was rubbing the back brake. Fortunately I discovered this before the race and was able to adjust the brake to prevent the rubbing.

We began the race minutes after the Elite 1&2 and Master B’s. 40+ of us set off on a neutral start from the parking “field” and settled in to a steady yet fast pace. I positioned myself nicely within the middle of the field and moved up as opportunities and space allowed. The first lap I tried to take in as much of the course as I could. By the end of that first lap, I found the most challenging section was just beyond the downhill section after the start/finish line as there were a series of little stinging climbs and false flats.

For the duration of the race, there was not much happening from my viewpoint. There were a few breaks off the front, the most significant having a minute lead, but once the field decided to real them in, they did so swiftly. The race ended in a field sprint with Matthias Schmidt taking a commanding win.

For me, my competition was within the feed zone and a battle to ward off impending leg cramps. I would take my first water at the end of lap 3. An attack or acceleration went off the front and I was gapped on the rise to the finish line. Putting the bottle between my teeth, I jumped to catch on to the rear of the field just as the bottle fell to the road. 14.5km without water but I thought I should be fine as I still had an electrolyte drink on hand. Coming up again towards the feed zone, I was looking for my father to receive much needed water and I could not see him through all those standing within the feed zone. Another 14.5km without water! Into lap #5, I took a second gel and had to down in with the last of my electrolyte drink. I began to feel a cramp coming on in my calves and I tried to stretch them out. I needed water this lap and I positioned myself as close to the front as possible. Coming up to the end of lap #5, it was getting rather congested within the feed zone as others were in need of water as well. I was pushed off my line a few times but finally made my way to the right and got it successfully. Again I was gapped in the feed zone but with the bottle secure, I jumped again to make contact with the end of the field. Just as soon as I made contact and on the decent after the start/finish line, both quads began to cramp. On the rise leading up to the first right hand turn, my hamstrings then seized. Cramping in both the quads and hamstrings became more and more severe and I could no longer pedal. The remaining field passed me by and I signalled to the commissarie following our race that I was done. Once the cramps subsided, I rode easy to the end of the 6th lap and watched the sprint final from the side lines.

Overall I was satisfied with the race yet disappointed I did not finish. I felt I had the legs to go the distance at race pace but I suspect the combination of dehydration, over saturation of electrolytes or lack thereof?? and the demands on the course for my current level of fitness did me in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Killian, fellow M3'er here, stumbled on your blog recently, good read, keep it up! Here's an interesting post on cramping and nutrition
    Having suffered from cramping myself in the past I've recently started using Hammer Endurolytes which seem to make a difference.
    (I have zero affiliation with them, I work in tech), just thought I'd share, might be worth a try.
    Hope you're back to 100% soon, ok, maybe not 100% until after Effingham ;)

